How To Edit / Remove Watermark From Windows 8 : The working trick

Windows 8 users must have noticed the watermark on desktop. It can be completely removed from the desktop. Users who hate watermark on Windows 8 desktop for that good news, Recently I was visiting the internet and we have a tool which is able to remove Watermark from Windows 8 Customer Preview. I tested it and it completely removed Watermark from my Windows  8 PC. This tool name is My WCP Watermark Editor. It is a portable app and it does not require installation. Just download from the link which is provided below after the article and proceed with steps.

How to Remove Watermark from Windows 8 Desktop

1. First of all download "My WCP Watermark Editor" from download link.
2. Now open the Application and run it as administrator.
3. If you want to completely remove the Watermark then just tick on Remove all Watermark.
4. Now click on "Apply new Settings"
5. It will take some time and It will remove the watermark! 

How to Edit Watermark in Windows 8

1. Open "My WCP Watermark Editor".
2. Do not tick on "Remove all watermark"
3. Just write down the new information like Edition,Build etc, and click on the Apply new settings.
5. Now you will see your edited Windows 8 Watermark on your desktop.


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