How to enable hidden features in Windows 8 : Simple Steps

In windows 8 RP (Release Preview) many features like Media center or Network Projection of windows 7 which are disabled in windows 8 RP (Release Preview). Yes you can use these features and as far as windows 8 RP is concerned, it outshines windows 8 RTM (Release to Manufacturing) in which you need to purchase all these extra features, download and then install, but in windows 8 RP, it is too much facile. You just need to enable these features, no extra purchasing or download is required.

Steps to enable Hidden features :

1:  Go to desktop, PC users move cursor to the top right corner and then downward. Go to search and type “Add Features” and select “Setting”. You will be shown up with some options. Choose “Add features to windows 8″.

2: The computer will ask you for the permissions, allow it and a pop-up will appear to ask you that whether you have product key or not, choose “I already have the product key” and use the below key.

3:  Click on button “Next” and check the option to agree with license agreement, then click on “Add Features”. The computer will start adding features to your windows 8 RP. It’ll take some time depending upon your PC. Once the process get completed, simply restarts your computer and you’re done.
4:  Now to enable or disable any features, go to desktop once again, make charm bar visible using the method described in STEP 1. Type “Add Features” in the search bar and choose “turn windows features on and off”. A complete list will appear including all the enabled and disabled features.
5. You will see a complete list of available Windows 8 features.
6. To enable any feature just tick mark on feature and to disable any feature just un-tick. After selecting the appropriate option just click on ok. This process will take some time. After that just enjoy.


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